237 size_t nInternalFaces_;
242 size_t nBoundaryFaces_;
Represents boundaries of an unstructured mesh.
A class that represents a stencil database.
Represents an unstructured mesh in NeoFOAM.
const BoundaryMesh & boundaryMesh() const
Get the boundary mesh.
StencilDataBase & stencilDB() const
Get the stencil data base.
const scalarField & cellVolumes() const
Get the field of cell volumes in the mesh.
const vectorField & faceAreas() const
Get the field of area face normals.
const vectorField & cellCentres() const
Get the field of cell centres in the mesh.
size_t nInternalFaces() const
Get the number of internal faces in the mesh.
const Executor & exec() const
Get the executor.
const scalarField & magFaceAreas() const
Get the field of magnitudes of face areas.
size_t nBoundaryFaces() const
Get the number of boundary faces in the mesh.
size_t nFaces() const
Get the number of faces in the mesh.
size_t nCells() const
Get the number of cells in the mesh.
const labelField & faceOwner() const
Get the field of face owner cells.
size_t nBoundaries() const
Get the number of boundaries in the mesh.
UnstructuredMesh(vectorField points, scalarField cellVolumes, vectorField cellCentres, vectorField faceAreas, vectorField faceCentres, scalarField magFaceAreas, labelField faceOwner, labelField faceNeighbour, size_t nCells, size_t nInternalFaces, size_t nBoundaryFaces, size_t nBoundaries, size_t nFaces, BoundaryMesh boundaryMesh)
Constructor for the UnstructuredMesh class.
const labelField & faceNeighbour() const
Get the field of face neighbour cells.
const vectorField & points() const
Get the field of mesh points.
const vectorField & faceCentres() const
Get the field of face centres.
UnstructuredMesh createSingleCellMesh(const Executor exec)
creates a mesh containing only a single cell @warn currently this is only a 2D mesh
std::variant< SerialExecutor, CPUExecutor, GPUExecutor > Executor
UnstructuredMesh create1DUniformMesh(const Executor exec, const size_t nCells)
A factory function for a 1D mesh.