WIP Prototype of a modern OpenFOAM core
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CNeoFOAM::BaseClassDataRepresents the data for a base class
 CNeoFOAM::BaseClassDocumentationProvides a mechanism for registering and retrieving documentation for base and derived classes
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryFields< T >Represents the boundary fields for a computational domain
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryFields< NeoFOAM::scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryFields< NeoFOAM::Vector >
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryFields< scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryFields< ValueType >
 CNeoFOAM::BoundaryMeshRepresents boundaries of an unstructured mesh
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::BoundaryPatchMixinA base class for implementing derived boundary conditions
 CNeoFOAM::dsl::CoeffA class that represents a coefficient for the NeoFOAM dsl
 CNeoFOAM::CollectionA type-erased interface collection types
 CNeoFOAM::CollectionMixin< DocumentType >A mixin class for collection of documents in a database to simplify the implementation of common operations
 CNeoFOAM::CollectionMixin< FieldDocument >
 CNeoFOAM::CollectionMixin< OldTimeDocument >
 CNeoFOAM::CPUExecutorExecutor for handling multicore CPU based parallelization
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::CreateFromExistingField< FieldType >Creates a FieldDocument from an existing field
 CNeoFOAM::la::CSRMatrix< ValueType, IndexType >
 CNeoFOAM::la::CSRMatrixSpan< ValueType, IndexType >A helper class to allow easy read/write on all executors
 CNeoFOAM::DerivedClassDocumentationClass representing the documentation for a derived class
 CNeoFOAM::DictionaryA class representing a dictionary that stores key-value pairs
 CNeoFOAM::DomainField< ValueType >Represents the domain fields for a computational domain
 CNeoFOAM::DomainField< NeoFOAM::scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::DomainField< NeoFOAM::Vector >
 CNeoFOAM::DomainField< scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >A class to contain the data and executors for a field and define some basic operations
 CNeoFOAM::Field< IndexType >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< int >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< label >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< localIdx >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< NeoFOAM::scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< NeoFOAM::Vector >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< T >
 CNeoFOAM::Field< Vector >
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::FieldDocumentA class representing a field document in a database
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::GeometricFieldMixin< ValueType >This class represents a mixin for a geometric field
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::GeometricFieldMixin< NeoFOAM::scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::GeometricFieldMixin< NeoFOAM::Vector >
 CNeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::GeometricFieldMixin< scalar >
 CNeoFOAM::GPUExecutorExecutor for GPU offloading
 CNeoFOAM::la::LinearSystem< ValueType, IndexType >A class representing a linear system of equations
 CNeoFOAM::dsl::OperatorMixin< FieldType >
 CNeoFOAM::dsl::OperatorMixin< VolumeField< scalar > >
 CNeoFOAM::Parameters< Args >
 CRegisterA template class for registering derived classes with a base class
 CNeoFOAM::RegisterDocumentation< baseClass >Template struct for registering documentation of a base class
 CNeoFOAM::RegisterDocumentation< Base >
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< Base, Params >A factory class for runtime selection of derived classes
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< DivOperatorFactory, Parameters< const Executor &, const UnstructuredMesh &, const Input & > >
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< SurfaceBoundaryFactory< ValueType >, Parameters< const UnstructuredMesh &, const Dictionary &, size_t > >
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< SurfaceInterpolationFactory, Parameters< const Executor &, const UnstructuredMesh &, Input > >
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< TimeIntegratorBase< SolutionType >, Parameters< const Dictionary & > >
 CNeoFOAM::RuntimeSelectionFactory< VolumeBoundaryFactory< ValueType >, Parameters< const UnstructuredMesh &, const Dictionary &, size_t > >
 CNeoFOAM::SegmentedField< ValueType, IndexType >Data structure that stores a segmented fields or a vector of vectors
 CNeoFOAM::SegmentedFieldView< ValueType, IndexType >A class representing a segment of indices
 CNeoFOAM::SerialExecutorReference executor for serial CPU execution
 CNeoFOAM::sundials::SKVector< ValueType >Unified interface for SUNDIALS Kokkos vector management
 CNeoFOAM::sundials::SKVectorDefault< ValueType >Default executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CNeoFOAM::sundials::SKVectorHostDefault< ValueType >Host default executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CNeoFOAM::sundials::SKVectorSerial< ValueType >Serial executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CNeoFOAM::StencilDataBaseA class that represents a stencil database
 CSurfaceBoundaryFactory::template Register
 CTimeIntegratorBase::template Register
 CVolumeBoundaryFactory::template Register
 CNeoFOAM::timeIntegration::TimeIntegration< SolutionFieldType >
 CNeoFOAM::TokenListA class representing a list of tokens
 CNeoFOAM::UnstructuredMeshRepresents an unstructured mesh in NeoFOAM
 CNeoFOAM::VectorA class for the representation of a 3D Vector