WIP Prototype of a modern OpenFOAM core
No Matches
NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >, including all inherited members.

apply(func f)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
copyToExecutor(Executor dstExec) constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
copyToHost() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
copyToHost(Field< ValueType > &result)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
data()NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
data() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
empty() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
exec() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Executor &exec, size_t size)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Executor &exec, const ValueType *in, size_t size, Executor hostExec=SerialExecutor())NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Executor &exec, size_t size, ValueType value)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Executor &exec, std::vector< ValueType > in)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Executor &exec, const Field< ValueType > &in)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(const Field< ValueType > &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
Field(Field< ValueType > &&rhs) noexceptNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator()(const size_t i)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator()(const size_t i) constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator*(const Field< scalar > &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator*(const scalar rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator+=(const Field< ValueType > &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator-=(const Field< ValueType > &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator=(const ValueType &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator=(const Field< ValueType > &rhs)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator[](const size_t i)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
operator[](const size_t i) constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
range() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
resize(const size_t size)NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
size() constNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
span() &&=deleteNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >
span() const &&=deleteNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >
span() &NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
span() const &NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
span(std::pair< size_t, size_t > range) &&=deleteNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >
span(std::pair< size_t, size_t > range) const &&=deleteNeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >
span(std::pair< size_t, size_t > range) &NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
span(std::pair< size_t, size_t > range) const &NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline
~Field()NeoFOAM::Field< ValueType >inline