WIP Prototype of a modern OpenFOAM core
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CCoeffA class that represents a coefficient for the NeoFOAM dsl
 CBoundaryPatchMixinA base class for implementing derived boundary conditions
 CCreateFromExistingFieldCreates a FieldDocument from an existing field
 CFieldCollectionA class representing a collection of field documents in a database
 CFieldDocumentA class representing a field document in a database
 CGeometricFieldMixinThis class represents a mixin for a geometric field
 CSurfaceBoundaryRepresents a surface boundary field for a cell-centered finite volume method
 CSurfaceFieldRepresents a surface field in a finite volume method
 CVolumeBoundaryRepresents a volume boundary field for a cell-centered finite volume method
 CVolumeFieldRepresents a volume field in a finite volume method
 CCSRMatrixSpanA helper class to allow easy read/write on all executors
 CLinearSystemA class representing a linear system of equations
 CSKVectorUnified interface for SUNDIALS Kokkos vector management
 CSKVectorDefaultDefault executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CSKVectorHostDefaultHost default executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CSKVectorSerialSerial executor SUNDIALS Kokkos vector wrapper
 CRungeKuttaIntegrates in time, using Sundials, a PDE expression using the Runge-Kutta method
 CBaseClassDataRepresents the data for a base class
 CBaseClassDocumentationProvides a mechanism for registering and retrieving documentation for base and derived classes
 CBoundaryFieldsRepresents the boundary fields for a computational domain
 CBoundaryMeshRepresents boundaries of an unstructured mesh
 CCollectionA type-erased interface collection types
 CCollectionMixinA mixin class for collection of documents in a database to simplify the implementation of common operations
 CCPUExecutorExecutor for handling multicore CPU based parallelization
 CDerivedClassDocumentationClass representing the documentation for a derived class
 CDictionaryA class representing a dictionary that stores key-value pairs
 CDimensionMismatchError for handling two containers of incompatible lengths
 CDocumentA class representing a document in a database
 CDomainFieldRepresents the domain fields for a computational domain
 CErrorBase class for consistent error representation
 CFieldA class to contain the data and executors for a field and define some basic operations
 CGPUExecutorExecutor for GPU offloading
 CNeoFOAMExceptionCustom exception class for NeoFOAM
 CRegisterDocumentationTemplate struct for registering documentation of a base class
 CRuntimeSelectionFactoryA factory class for runtime selection of derived classes
 CRuntimeSelectionFactory< Base, Parameters< Args... > >
 CSegmentedFieldData structure that stores a segmented fields or a vector of vectors
 CSegmentedFieldViewA class representing a segment of indices
 CSerialExecutorReference executor for serial CPU execution
 CStencilDataBaseA class that represents a stencil database
 CTokenListA class representing a list of tokens
 CUnstructuredMeshRepresents an unstructured mesh in NeoFOAM
 CVectorA class for the representation of a 3D Vector
 CRegisterA template class for registering derived classes with a base class