Case Study: The Gauss Green Div KernelΒΆ

This section explains discusses how the Gauss Green Div Kernel is implemented. The class is implemented in the following files:

  • include/NeoFOAM/finiteVolume/cellCentred/operators/gaussGreenDiv.hpp

  • src/finiteVolume/cellCentred/operators/gaussGreenDiv.hpp

  • test/finiteVolume/cellCentred/operators/gaussGreenDiv.hpp

The gaussGreenDiv class represents the following term \(\int \nabla \cdot \phi dV\) and is a particular implementation of the dsl::explicit::div operator. Hence, in order to make the implementation selectable at runtime we let the GaussGreenDiv class derive from DivOperatorFactory::Register<GaussGreenDiv> and implement the static name function, (see also registerClass).

The actual implementation of the operator can be found in the gaussGreenDiv.cpp file. The GaussGreenDiv::div member calls a free standing function computeDiv with the correct arguments. In NeoFOAM it is a common pattern to use free standing functions since they are easier to test and communicate all dependencies explicitly via the function arguments.

The discretized version of the divergence term can be written as

\[\int \nabla \phi dV = \int dS\cdot\phi = \sum_f S_f\cdot\phi_f\]

and the internal field part is implemented in OpenFOAM as

forAll(owner, facei)
    const GradType Sfssf = Sf[facei]*issf[facei];

    igGrad[owner[facei]] += Sfssf;
    igGrad[neighbour[facei]] -= Sfssf;

the corresponding NeoFOAM version is implemented as

    {0, nInternalFaces},
    KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const size_t i) {
        scalar flux = surfFaceFlux[i]*surfPhif[i];
        threadsafe_add(&surfDivPhi[static_cast<size_t>(surfOwner[i])], flux);
        threadsafe_sub(&surfDivPhi[static_cast<size_t>(surfNeighbour[i])], flux);

Here, the following changes have been applied

  • replace the forAll macro with the NeoFOAM::parallelFor (see parallelFor.) function which takes the executor, the range, and the loop body as arguments.

  • calls to += and -= are replaced by the threadsafe_add and threadsafe_sub function which takes the lhs and rhs as arguments.