
The API of the classes probably will change in the future. It is a first draft implementation to iterate over the design.

Boundary Conditions

In contrast to OpenFOAM the boundary conditions do not store the underlying data but instead modify the data provided by DomainField. A basic NoOp implementation is provided by the VolumeBoundary and SurfaceBoundary classes. To apply boundary conditions for both Surface and Volume Fields a virtual base class member function, correctBoundaryConditions, member is used. The member acts as an interface and is responsible for updating the actual boundary data contained within an InternalField (an attribute of the DomainField).

template<typename ValueType>
class VolumeBoundary : public NeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::BoundaryPatchMixin

Represents a surface boundary field for a cell-centered finite volume method.

Template Parameters:

ValueType – The data type of the field.

Public Functions

inline virtual void correctBoundaryConditions(DomainField<ValueType> &domainField)


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “NeoFOAM::finiteVolume::cellCentred::SurfaceBoundary” in doxygen xml output for project “NeoFOAM” from directory: _build/xml/

The above are the base classes for the specific (derived) implementations which will ultimately provide the actual boundary conditions to both volumetric and surface fields.

Boundary Conditions for VolumeField’s

Boundary conditions are responsible of modifying the data of the boundaryField using the visitor pattern. A possible implementation is shown below.

void fvccScalarFixedValueBoundaryField::correctBoundaryConditions(
    BoundaryFields<scalar>& bfield, const Field<scalar>& internalField
    fixedValueBCKernel kernel_(mesh_, patchID_, start_, end_, uniformValue_);
    std::visit([&](const auto& exec) { kernel_(exec, bfield, internalField); }, bfield.exec());

The logic is implemented in the kernel classes:

void fixedValueBCKernel::operator()(
    const GPUExecutor& exec, BoundaryFields<scalar>& bField, const Field<scalar>& internalField
    using executor = typename GPUExecutor::exec;
    auto s_value = bField.value().field();
    auto s_refValue = bField.refValue().field();
    scalar uniformValue = uniformValue_;
        Kokkos::RangePolicy<executor>(start_, end_),
        KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
            s_value[i] = uniformValue;
            s_refValue[i] = uniformValue;

As the BoundaryFields class stores all data in a continuous array the boundary condition must only update the data in the range of the boundary specified by the start_ and end_ index. In the above simple boundary condition, the kernel only sets the values to a uniform/fixed value. The value field stores the current value of the boundary condition that is used by the explicit operators and the refValue stores the value of the boundary condition that is used by the implicit operators.

Currently the following boundary conditions are implemented for volField for scalar:

Currently the following boundary conditions are implemented for volField for Vector:

BC for surfaceField

Currently the following boundary conditions are implemented for volField for scalar: